Crafting a New Name and Brand for a Beloved SF School
Cow Hollow School
Brand Strategy, Brand System Design, Infographics, Website Design
About four years ago, while deeply immersed in creating the school’s Strategic Plan, their board outlined the barriers to diversity.
Along with their small building and part-day programming, they listed their school name as a barrier to their diversity goals.
Creating a name and brand that better represented their vision for the future was where we came together.
Working closely with the school Executive Director, Marketing Committee, and Board, we embarked on a process that included a brand strategy workshop, work with a copywriter on the tagline, and a deep process designed to handle the name change with care and intention.
The new name—Cypress School of SF, and the tagline— “Growing in Wonder, Rooted in Community” along with the brand system is a nod to the long history of the school, while also expanding into a vision for the future.
“Ellen is clear, well organized, and diplomatic—especially when dealing with administration and board members...and tons of opinions and timelines. She is a joy to work with. Every time we have worked together, I get the feeling that she knows me, knows my school, the school mission and vision, and is inside my head and heart and then turns out amazing results that feel so us.”
Darcy Campbell
Executive Director, Cow Hollow School (Soon to be Cypress School)